Bose McKinney & Evans LLP

Law and Public Affairs
Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Decision Maker: John Millspaugh
Decision Maker Phone: 317.403.0471
Contact Person: Kelley Terrill
Contact Person Phone: 317.684.5000
Office Phone: 317.684.5214
Address: 111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, 46204
Indianapolis IN
# of Employees:
101 to 500
Business Category:
Law and Public Affairs
General info

Firm Overview The attorneys of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP understand that clients need sound legal advice, but also realize business professionals want to work with attorneys who are approachable, responsive and attentive. The 100-plus attorneys of Bose McKinney & Evans take the time to listen to clients and to learn about their businesses, including their concerns, opportunities, and goals. Working from offices in downtown Indianapolis, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and in Washington, DC, the attorneys of Bose McKinney & Evans provide a full range of legal services to the public sector and to the local, national, international, and high-tech business communities. Bose McKinney & Evans’ 100+ attorneys represent clients in administrative law, business transactions, contract review, construction, creditors' rights, environmental, finance, governmental, insurance, intellectual property, international, labor, litigation, real estate, tax and utilities matters. Bose Public Affairs Group LLC is a subsidiary of the law firm and is Indiana's largest public affairs firm. Bose Public Affairs Group’s 30 professionals advocates for the local, state and national legislative, regulatory and public policy interests of clients, and provides procurement and communications services. The firm’s clients include businesses of all sizes, governmental units, and individuals. The attorneys are routinely involved in large and complicated corporate financing and land development transactions, and in constitutional issues and litigation having a substantial impact on both the public and private sectors. For example, Bose McKinney & Evans attorneys have been involved in litigation against the IRS regarding its interpretation of the Affordable Care Act, major cases of employment litigation, one of the largest land transactions in Indiana history, the largest individual bankruptcy in the state's history, the (Indiana) constitutionality of school busing, free speech litigation reported in the national news magazines, one of the largest cases of stock churning in the nation, securities offerings for one of the largest private radio communications company in the nation, and numerous mergers and acquisitions of public and private companies. Since the firm’s founding in 1955, Bose McKinney & Evans has grown steadily and today is one of the largest law firms in Indiana. The result of the firm’s efforts over the years has been the collection of a group of highly competent lawyers and public affairs professionals who work well together but whose lives and interests are diverse. At Bose McKinney & Evans, the attorneys provide clients with cost-effective, quality legal service while keeping the clients’ priorities first and foremost.

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