Decision Maker:
Leon Cerna Decision Maker Phone:
303.763.1616 Contact Person:
Leon Cerna Contact Person Phone:
303.763.1616 Office Phone:
303.763.1616 Fax: Address:
1800 Wazee St, 3rd Floor, Denver, 80202
Denver CO
# of Employees:
Under 10
Business Category:
Outsourced Human Resource Services
General info
We provide Fortune 500 HR services for small to medium size businesses with unsurpassed HR expertise. We can provide guidance on the day-to-day operations and advise on HR functions that will create/sustain employee engagement and productivity. Our services include Recruiting for top talent, Executive Coaching and training development.
Our goal is to save your organization the expense of paying the salary and benefits of a full-time employee to handle personnel functions that are well within our purview; providing business owners/entrepreneurs the ability to leave HR functions in capable hands while they dedicate their time and focus to overall business development and/or their product/service.
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HR Advantage Group, LLC.
HR Outsourcing and Payroll