WHO - A Staffing Company

IT, Sales, Marketing, Operations, & HR staffing
WHO - A Staffing Company
Decision Maker: Gary Ditto
Decision Maker Phone: 410.356.6800
Contact Person: Gary Ditto
Contact Person Phone: 410.356.6800
Office Phone: 410.356.6800
Website: www.whostaffing.com
Address: 10055 Red Run Blvd., Suite 220, Baltimore, MD, 21117
Baltimore MD
# of Employees:
Under 10
Business Category:
IT, Sales, Marketing, Operations, & HR staffing
General info

At WHO, we are driven by one core promise:

To grow our business community through strong relationships and successful connections.

 We build meaningful networks with the best businesses and talent and help them to create partnerships that drive positive change and mutual growth.

 WHO Staffing is focused on the identification of top Information Technology, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations and Administrative talent in the Mid-Atlantic business community. That said, our end clients represent many different industry verticals (including technology, healthcare, education, financial services, manufacturing, marketing/advertising, communications, entertainment, federal/state/local government, non-profit).

We have access to talent with a comprehensive variety of in-demand skillsets and a breadth of experience, education, and compensation levels. Furthermore, we have the ability to provide flexible engagement options (Direct Hire, Contract or Contract-to-Hire) to meet every client’s budgetary and onboarding needs.

Whatever stage your business is in, Who Staffing is there with you. From long-term enterprise growth strategies to startups experiencing rapid acceleration, we'll find the right people to help you get where you're going.

Contact Information:

 Gary Ditto


O: 410.356-6800

M: 443.904.8316

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

W: www.whostaffing.com

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‘It's Never Random - It's a Process with Strategy, Training, Tools & Support’.

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Accelerent Corporate Staff
Troy Peple - CEO
703.421.2226 (Office)
Tom Lipski - President
703.421.2226 (Office)
Baltimore, MD
Rob McGrain - Regional President
443.506.4597 (Cell)
Regional Event Manager
443.472.5289 (Office)
Columbus, OH
Aly Walton - Regional Event Manager
317.385.5555 (Office)
Denver, CO
Derek Dabbs - Regional President
571.639.9211 (Cell)
Indianapolis, IN
Aly Walton - Regional Event Manager
317.385.5555 (Office)
Kansas City, MO
Nashville, TN
Phoenix, AZ
Washington, DC

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