Vistage Worldwide

Peer Advisory Board
Vistage Worldwide
Decision Maker: Fred Carpenter
Decision Maker Phone: 818.468.0987
Contact Person: Lynne King Smith
Contact Person Phone: 480.510.6011
Office Phone: 818.468.0987
Address: 10332 E. Hercules Ct., Phoenix, 85248
Phoenix AZ
# of Employees:
101 to 500
Business Category:
Peer Advisory Board
General info

Vistage Worldwide Inc., provides services to enhance the performance of its 23,000+ members, located in more than 20 countries around the world, with almost 250 members in Arizona.

These services are provided through several programs, including a monthly CEO peer advisory board which is led by a local chair.  In addition, these chairs meet with each member and provide monthly executive coaching.


We exist solely to help high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families and communities.


Trust – Caring – Challenge – Growth


Improving the effectiveness and enhancing the lives of CEOs, business owners and key executives of small and medium sized businesses.

Ready to Learn More?

‘It's Never Random - It's a Process with Strategy, Training, Tools & Support’.

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Accelerent Corporate Staff
Troy Peple - CEO
703.421.2226 (Office)
Tom Lipski - President
703.421.2226 (Office)
Baltimore, MD
Rob McGrain - Regional President
443.506.4597 (Cell)
Denver, CO
Derek Dabbs - Regional President
571.639.9211 (Cell)
Indianapolis, IN
Aly Walton - Regional Event Manager
317.385.5555 (Office)
Kansas City, MO
Nashville, TN
Phoenix, AZ
Lynn Wight - Regional Event Manager
602.622.6640 (Office)
Washington, DC

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