Mid-Atlantic Title, LLC
Residential & Commercial Title
Decision Maker:
Mary Ann Hammel
Decision Maker Phone:
410.321.6075 x130
Contact Person:
Mary Ann Hammel
Contact Person Phone:
410.321.6075 x130
Office Phone:
West Road, Towson, 21204
- General info
We provide a full range of settlement services for both commercial and residential properties throughout the Baltimore Metropolitan region and Washington, DC. We work with realtors, lenders, builders, businesses, and homebuyers to ensure each closing process is flawless in all of our settlements. All of our real estate title work, settlements, and closings are completed in a thorough and professional manner, in accordance with Maryland laws. Our attorneys are highly experienced, respected, Maryland licensed, real estate title attorneys. Client satisfaction is very important to us.
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Mid-Atlantic Title, LLC
Title Companies